Trip & Fall call Sam!

Watch out for Trip and Falls?

Did you trip and fall, give Sam a call.

As we do go outside, many of us will be still wearing masks.

While no objection to wearing a mask when there is so much uncertainty about this virus, one can be distracted when walking along in a parking lot, the sidewalk, in an establishment, and not notice a trip hazard. Falls can cause really bad injuries. Often you can hardly catch yourself, if at all when you are down on the ground. It is very easy to break bones and wrench muscles. Often a bone break is not even obvious. You may think something is not right, but you are not sure. So, to be careful, you go to  Queen's emergency and they take an x-ray, and lo and behold, tell you that not only have you broken your wrist or whatever, but you need surgery to fix it! One thing about falls is that often, no harm to at least go to Urgent Care or the ER to at least check it out. And take photos if you are able to do so. Sometimes we feel very foolish and stupid and embarrassed at falling. It's not very attractive being on the ground splayed out with your packages or whatever all over the place. But, go to the doctor, take photos and, as I said if you trip and fall give Sam a call. You may be entitled to financial compensation. 


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